In some countries, when rain falls short, they turn to 'cloud-seeding'
or The Red Indians do the rain dance. When the Jurong Bird Park
needed rain, Asiatic
Engineering stepped in. It's rain that they want,
then rain they get, from light drizzles to tropical storms.
In August last year, a new attraction that simulates a tropical
rain forest called the 'South East Asia Aviary' was added to the
Jurong Bird Park, a popular attraction to both locals and tourists.
With the basic concept provided by the consultant, Asiatic manifested
the system by collaborating with the control specialists to develop
the sequence and design.
This rain simulation unit is made up of 2 units of vertical multistage
pumps controlled by VSD (Variable Speed Drives) with signals sent
from a PID (Proportional gain/ Integration timer/ Differential gain)
Process Control and a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). Data
is collected by two units of rain gauge sensors located in 2 places
in the aviary.
Rainwater is collected by the rain gauges and is constantly measured
with signals sent back to the PID for processing to either increase
or decrease the amount of water required. This signal is in turn
sent to the PLC for sequencing and to be relayed to the VSD controlling
the speed of the pump. The pumps supplied are 2 of our 15kW MONOFLO
MultiPress Series Vertical Multistage Centrifugal Pumps.
So, take a break Mother Nature! Monoflo Pumps will take over.